Join solo or in a group (max of 3 people - include a friend or family member for the same price)
Every student or student group is assigned their own hive to learn from
Education apiaries are located at beautiful natural locations
Outdoor education in the apiary (except class orientation and the honey harvest class)
“Just completed Camp Beez Kneez 2017- it was a lot of fun and I learned so much! I would highly recommend this to anyone who is interested in becoming a beekeeper. I am enjoying the honey we extracted from camp and will probably have to stop by the honey house sometime soon to get more!”—Kelly George
“Kristy has built an exceptional business and resource for local beekeepers with The Beez Kneez. My husband and I have extracted honey with them in the past and are this year taking part in Camp Beez Kneez to learn more about being successful stewards of honeybees. It is a thoughtful, exciting, and extremely informative experience. Two antennae up for Kristy and Beez Kneez!”—-Jenny MJ Lund Nelson