BUY summer nucleus colonies
5 frame nucleus colonies
Great for beginners that want to get accustomed to a smaller hive and successfully winter in 1-2 deeps depending on the year and what kind of equipment you are starting with. See this video for consolidating a two deep colony into a single deep before winter.
-Cost: $210.00= 5 frames of bees covering 3 brood frames, 1 honey frame, 1 frame pollen. See this video for transferring your nuc into 10 frame equipment
-Bees are sold in plastic 5 frame Pro Nuc transfer boxes. $10 deposit will be credited upon return.
- Queens come marked (2025=blue dot), mated queens from daughters of our best winter hardy, disease resistant queen lines (we are currently wintering Russians, VSH, POL, and Caucasians sourced from the UMN Bee Lab’s 2024 breeding program.) We will select the best survivors of these daughters to breed from in spring of 2025.