For the beekeeper, December is about resting, reflecting and reading. The holidays come and go. Hopefully many can see family and friends. we are all tired of covid and want it to be over. I nearly lost my sister to it. It is an awful way to be sick and no one should have to spend their last moments that way. So please beekeepers, get vaccinated and stay safe. We really need to work together to get through this.
I spent December selling honey and candles at markets and online. Once you have enough wax, candle making can happen in earnest. It took me quite awhile to have enough for it to be worth. I invested in a few more molds and made a nice little space in my new honey house. I have been checking the hives in my home apiary periodically when I feed and water the goats in the morning. As you can see in the photo below, I have 7 single 5 frame nucs that I am trying to overwinter. They are sandwiched together and I have wrapped the back and the 2 sides with 2 inch pink insulation. It is incredible to hear them still buzzing on a day like today. I am sure I will have to feed them if they make it till spring but I saved some honey for that very reason. After the cold spell, I will check more yards so I have a better idea what my survival looks like. although, My records from previous years indicate that most of the hives that die do so in February or early March, which would suggest they ran out of food.
Now that 2022 is here, it is already time to start planning for next year. Get your equipment ready. I can still take orders but you will have to come to my farm to pick it up. Allow plenty of time for shipping. Everything is taking longer than it used to. Let me know if you want bees. As I have said before, if I can’t supply you from my own, I will connect you to a trusted beekeeper. I hope to offer more classes. Thinking about one on how to raise your own queens on a small scale. And I know for certain I will be making a video on how to build a proper bear fence. That’s all for now beeks. Stay warm. oh, and spread the word about camp beez kneez if you have taken it, take it if you haven’t and subscribe to my youtube channel if you would :) Happy New year everyone.